HomeLifestyleCinematographyReal Estate Photography In Georgia By Local Flavor Films

Real Estate Photography In Georgia By Local Flavor Films

Local Flavor Films is a real estate photography company owned and operated by Brian Clark in and all over Georgia. Brian developed a love for photography by learning from his dad who always had a camera in hand. “He honed his talent for capturing nature in New England until he moved to Atlanta to start a multimedia production company soon after obtaining a marketing degree.” The areas that they serve include residential, commercial, single + multi-unit, home builders/developers, and vacation rentals. They do aerial work, matterport 3D virtual tours, video tours, 3D zillow home tours, and interactive floor plans. A lot of real estate photography companies are set apart from each other because of what they offer potential clients. Local Flavor Films provides clients with blue skies guaranteed in the background, lawn enhancement, TV screen overlay, fire added to fireplaces, interior window view enhancement, and walls that are vertically aligned. They produce highly marketable images that entice prospective buyers and draw them into each space. The images are processed and enhanced to maximize marketability and click potential.

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