HomeAnimalsDog BreederWagler Kennels: 10 Tips to Keep Your Pup Cool This Summer

Wagler Kennels: 10 Tips to Keep Your Pup Cool This Summer

Summer can be a fun time for pets, but the rising temperatures pose risks to our furry friends. At Wagler Kennels, we care deeply about your pets’ well-being. Here are ten essential tips to help keep your pup cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

  1. Provide Plenty of Water
    Hydration is crucial for dogs, especially in hot weather. Ensure your dog always has access to fresh, cool water. Consider using a pet fountain to keep the water flowing and fresh.
  2. Create Shade
    Make sure your dog has a shady spot to rest in, whether in the yard or during walks. Trees, umbrellas, and shade cloths can provide necessary relief from the sun.
  3. Avoid Midday Heat
    The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Plan walks and outdoor activities during the early morning or late evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.
  4. Use Cooling Mats and Vests
    Invest in cooling mats or vests designed for dogs. These products can help regulate your dog’s body temperature and provide a cool place to lie down.
  5. Limit Exercise
    While exercise is important, it’s crucial to adjust your dog’s activity level during hot weather. Shorter, more frequent walks are better than long, strenuous activities.
  6. Watch for Signs of Overheating
    Be aware of symptoms of heatstroke, such as excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and uncoordinated movements. If you notice these signs, cool your dog down immediately and contact a vet.
  7. Groom Regularly
    Regular grooming can help your dog stay cool. Trimming long hair and brushing out the undercoat can improve airflow to the skin. However, avoid shaving your dog’s fur too short, as it can increase the risk of sunburn.
  8. Cool Treats
    Offer your dog frozen treats, like ice cubes or frozen dog-friendly fruits and vegetables. These not only help keep them cool but also provide hydration and nutrients.
  9. Keep Indoors Cool
    Ensure your home remains cool by using fans, air conditioning, or keeping windows open during cooler parts of the day. Create a cool spot indoors where your dog can retreat from the heat.
  10. Use Sunscreen for Dogs
    Dogs can get sunburned too. Apply pet-safe sunscreen to areas with less fur, like the nose, ears, and belly, to protect them from harmful UV rays.

At Wagler Kennels, we prioritize the health and comfort of your pets. For more expert advice on dog care and to learn about our kennel services, visit Wagler Kennels today. Keep your furry friend cool and happy all summer long!

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