HomeConsultingChiropractic Services With Asha Integrative Wellness

Chiropractic Services With Asha Integrative Wellness

Asha Integrative Wellness is an award-winning practice that invests in the health of individuals and families by building individualized wellness plans, using a wide range of approaches to support clients’ well-being.

Our integrative approach to spinal health is completely unique in the world of chiropractic. We’ve taken the best of traditional chiropractic care, and added a host of new cutting-edge techniques, such as acupuncture, Swedish massage and even homeopathy, for that extra touch to support healing.

The goal of Asha Integrative Wellness is to create an environment where clients can feel safe in their journey toward wellness. Asha offers a variety of treatment options for clients, including chiropractic spinal adjustments, integrative therapies such as acupuncture and massage therapy, functional fitness training through yoga and Pilates (classes), nutritional counseling for allergies or blood sugar balance, and more.

Chiropractic care supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself by properly aligning the nervous system, bones, muscles and joints through spinal adjustments. As a result of these adjustment processes, energy is directed from the spine and into areas where it can meet structural needs in order to improve function or restore health.

Chronic pain is a symptom of a variety of health problems, including:Poor nutrition and lack of exercise, both of which can cause structural problems in the spine and lead to pain, spinal instability and other symptoms. Stress from the demands of a fast-paced lifestyle or from an imbalance in life can contribute to further pain and stress in the body. Pressure on nerves, joints and muscles may also cause nerve compression which then causes tightness in surrounding areas.

Chiropractic spinal adjustment focuses primarily on the function of the spine and its relationship to musculoskeletal and nervous system function, but also examines the joints above and below the area of focus that help in pain relief.

Chiropractic spine & joint adjustment help to relieve subluxations, a condition that results in any or all of the following main symptoms: neck pain, headaches, TMJ syndrome. While the cause of subluxations differs by individual due to unique anatomy and habits, chiropractic adjustments aim to relieve symptoms and restore alignment. Chiropractors adjust atlas vertebrae (top of spine) and prevent further improper movement. They also aim to remove misaligned nerves so they can be better regulated.

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